Free UV Treated Water Stations Rarotonga
We have a number of free UV-treated, water refill stationed positioned all around Rarotonga. These water stations are checked and tested once a week by a To Tatou Vai Officer to ensure your water is safe to drink.
Using these free water refill stations not only saves you money in your pockets. But also helps reduce the number of plastic bottles entering our landfill and ocean.
Here’s a map of where all the free UV treated refill water stations are located around the island.

Did you know???
Between September 2019 to August 2020 plastic waste made up 20 % of solid waste deposited at the Rarotonga Landfill. This was the third-largest volume of waste dumped at our one and only landfill followed by Organics (21%) and Paper (25%)1.
Let's not add to these statistics, but reduce them, through simple solutions such as utilising the free water refill stations provided around the island for us all
(Cook Islands Advanced Disposal Fee Draft 2020)1