Join or Donate
Te Ipukarea Society is a not for profit organisation and registered charity. We rely on the good will of those who also care about our environment in the Cook Islands.
If you would like to make a donation, here our are bank details below, to which you can make direct deposits.
- Bank of the Cook Islands (BCI) Te Ipukarea Society Account: 82853 S15
- New Zealand Kiwibank 389 020 0794187 00
If you are outside of the Cook Islands or NZ, please consider making a donation to our crowdfunding page: Raising awareness in support of a deep seabed mining moratorium
Annual Memberships
Why not consider becoming a TIS member today? As a member you have the opportunity to make a difference. Your name counts by adding your voice to those of others who care, you give TIS more political clout.
Individual: Student: $5; Adult: $20; Family: $50
Platinum ($5000)
- tailored membership to your organisation's needs
- platinum membership certificate/ electronic supporter badges
- your support publicised in media (print, social media, tv and radio as appropriate)
- your logo published on our website and on the supporters page of our monthly newsletters
- monthly newsletters
Gold ($1000)
- gold membership certificate & electronic supporter badges
- your support publicised in media (print, social media, tv and radio as appropriate)
- your logo published on our website and on the supporters page of our monthly newsletters
- monthly newsletters
Silver ($500)
- silver membership certificate & electronic supporter badges
- your support publicized in articles, the media and events
- your logo published on our website and on the supporters page of our monthly newsletters
- monthly newsletters
Bronze ($200)
- bronze membership certificate & electronic supporter badges
- your logo published on our website and on the supporters page of our monthly newsletters
- monthly newsletters
Together we can help protect our Cook Islands environment
Meitaki Ma'ata,
Te Ipukarea Society