Year of the Coral Reef Campaign
- Publication of Baby K’s Secret Valley – a children’s book about the Rarotonga Flycatcher
- Working with Takitumu Conservation Area to protect the endangered Rarotonga Flycatcher-an endemic bird (global population in 1989 29; current population 300+)
- Bird surveys and rat eradication programmes on Suwarrow to protect globally significant populations of seabirds
- Longline and purse seine fishing Awareness Campaign “Te Ki o to Tatou Moana ei Angai rai ia Tatou” (Our ocean of fish is for the sustenance and nourishment of our people)
- Survey of the endemic Rarotonga Starling
- Supporting the translocation of the Rimatara Lorikeet
- Assessment of the impact of the Mynah bird on the endemic Mangaian Kingfisher
- Supporting and working with Cook Islands Whale Research, Cook Islands Whale and Wildlife Centre, Titikaveka Growers Association, Takitumu Conservation Area, Natural Heritage Trust, Cook Islands Voyaging Society.
- Save Our Suwarrow campaign to maintain Suwarrow Atoll as a National Park
- Production of Suwarrow documentary and Mauke Island Memories documentary, recording traditional knowledge
- Survey of seabirds in the northern group islands and assessment of Invasive Alien Species
- Identification of Cook Islands Key Biodiversity Areas and Important Bird Areas
- Marine Park project management
Ecologically Sustainable Development
Environmental Awards to those individuals and companies who promote and implement sustainable environmental practices
- Input towards the development of Green Guidelines for Tourism
- Provision of advice to tourism businesses and implementation of workshops to help businesses green their operation
- Seabed Mining awareness and submissions to the Cook Islands Parliament
- Submissions to government on Environmental Impact Assessment reports for development projects
- Participation on government and private sector-established Boards and Committees
Waste Reduction
Say Yes to Cloth Bags campaign
- Implementing the first Recycling Centre on Rarotonga
- Protest against the illegal dumping of waste aboard MV Miss Mataroa off Rarotonga
- Coastal lagoon water quality testing for persistent organic pollutants
- Setting up annual Environment Week and Clean Up the World campaigns
- Petition against the Shipment of Nuclear Waste throughout the Pacific
- Campaign for use of Cloth Nappies
Partnership with the Cook Islands Girl Guides to produce Cloth Shopping Bags
- Implementing Adopt a Beach programme
- Environment education at schools
- Cook Islands coordinator for the UNESCO Small Islands Voice programme 2005
- Working with National Environment Service (NES)and other government agencies and NGO’s on Lagoon Day
- a three-day environmental exhibition for schools and the public
- Recycling programme at schools
- Recyclable Jewellery Competition
- Youth Environment Forum